Counter Culture Mom – Homeschool Advocate Heidi St. John addresses the key benefits & blessings on homeschooling
With the coronavirus threat causing schools to potentially not reopen this fall, millions of parents will continue to homeschool their kids. DO NOT PANIC! There are so many benefits in teaching your kids a Godly foundation at home rather than an ungodly, pagan message in the public education system. Homeschooling moms, host Tina Griffin and guest Heidi St. John, will dig in deep on what to expect and how to plan for your upcoming homeschool endeavor. As a popular author and speaker, Heidi St. John has been speaking on marriage, family and cultural issues for over 15 years. Author of seven books, Heidi and husband Jay have homeschooled most of their kids all the way through high school. It is not only doable but one of the BEST decisions you will ever make in your life as a parent.