Latest From Capstone

Counter Culture Mom – Filmmaker Curtis Bowers exposes the communist agenda for America and how we can intervene!

By Capstone | December 30, 2020

Filmmaker, father of 9, fondue lover, and former Idaho state rep, Curtis Bowers, has been on a mission for the past few decades exposing the New World Order elitists and their agenda of taking over not just America but the globe. He addresses the corruption happening in school systems today along with our hazardous political…

Counter Culture Mom – Homeschool Advocate Heidi St. John addresses the key benefits & blessings on homeschooling

By Capstone | December 30, 2020

With the coronavirus threat causing schools to potentially not reopen this fall, millions of parents will continue to homeschool their kids. DO NOT PANIC! There are so many benefits in teaching your kids a Godly foundation at home rather than an ungodly, pagan message in the public education system. Homeschooling moms, host Tina Griffin and…

Counter Culture Mom – Grandma Ellie Klipp exposes the deception of gender dysphoria

By Capstone | December 30, 2020

Grandma, author, and former school teacher, Ellie Klipp, talks about the deception regarding gender dysphoria. Many children are being told that gender is fluid and they can pick from a multitude of options. Several years ago a local 6-year-old boy who thought he was a girl got Ellie’s attention. Her heart sank and she knew…

Counter Culture Mom – President Trump signed Executive Order protecting freedom of speech because of Polly Anna Olsen

By Capstone | December 30, 2020

When this free speech advocate was blocked from passing out Jesus Loves you Valentines on her college campus, Polly knew her Constitutional rights were being violated. The White House contacted her which led to President Trump signing an executive order to protect freedom of speech for all students. Who knew passing out valentines would land…

Counter Culture Mom – Mama Bear Apologetics Hillary Ferrer on teaching truth to others who have opposing world views

By Capstone | December 30, 2020

It seems like people forgot how to have meaningful conversations with others who have opposing world views. We look at our differences and take offense instead of listening to others, recognizing our similarities, and then lovingly sharing the truth. How can we teach others, including our children, apologetics so they have a Biblical worldview and…

Real Vision Finance – The Fourth Turning – Generational Power Transfers During Political Crisis (Grant Williams, Neil Howe, Harald Malmgren)

By Capstone | December 24, 2020

This interview with Grant Williams, Neil Howe, and Harald Malmgren took place in May 2016. We are sharing it because their conversation touches upon concepts that have been revealed in prayer at Capstone Legacy Foundation.

Real Vision Finance – Anthony Deden / Grant Williams Interview

By Capstone | December 24, 2020

This interview between investors Anthony Deden and Grant Williams took place in July 2018. We are sharing it because Deden and Williams touch upon concepts that have been revealed in prayer at Capstone Legacy Foundation. In summary, The main three things he seeks in asset selection are 1) scarcity, 2) permanence, and 3) independence. Scarcity…

Dutch Sheets – Synergy of the Ages

By Capstone | December 22, 2020

In November 2019, Capstone Legacy Foundation hosted a prayer event in Philadelphia. At the event Dutch Sheets delivered this talk about America’s role in a coming Third Great Awakening that will see more people saved in the next 20 to 30 years than in the last 2000 years. Watch this video to learn about the…

Christmas Message from Ark Healing Rooms

By Capstone | December 21, 2020

Dear all,Our circumstances are not the house in which we are called to live spiritually. The name of the Lord is our strong tower and refuge, and we have to discipline ourselves to live there, and not in our issues. Mary ran to the feet of Jesus while Martha lived in the kitchen. If you’re…

Stand in the Gap TV: The Deceit of Political Correctness: How Marxism is Collapsing America – Part 2

By Capstone | December 10, 2020

Sam Rohrer and Isaac Crockett speak with Dr. Marlene McMillan (Author, Speaker) about they way cultural Marxists in the American media and academia have used the Hegelian Dialectic to break down our perception of truth as described in the Bible.